
The team at Rezource provide a full recruitment solution, tailor-made to suit your needs.
Finding the right people to fit your business culture is crucial.
We can also support a partial service which provides flexibility to carry out part of the process yourself.
We use formal and rigorous recruitment processes at every stage.
Our recruitment platform allows us to invite our clients in so that we can work together on the recruitment assignment, if required.
We have worked in the HR field for over 20 years.
We have a flair for creating adverts that attract the right talent from day one.
We know who and how to hire the best people for your business so you create your superstar team.
Our portfolio of recruitment assignments range from Frontline Administrators to senior level executives.
Recruitment Services Include:
- Job scoping
- Advert writing
- Brand and marketing
- Review of CVs and pre-screening to recommend a short list for interview.
- Assessments of competencies and suitability to position
- Psychometric testing
- Interview question support
- Interview panel support
- Reference checking
- Communication with applicants
- Employment agreement negotiation
Our Process
1.Establishing Key Business / Organisational Drivers
Establishing Key Business / Organisational Drivers
Through establishing the future key business / organisational drivers we can ensure we have all the necessary background information to establish your employee proposition statement.
2.Establish the Selection Criteria
Establish the Selection Criteria
It is essential that we work with you to uncover the knowledge, skills, competencies and experience required for the position. Once we have confirmed the purpose of the role and the performance criteria, we are able to identify the top critical skills, knowledge and attributes required to achieve a successful placement.
3.Job Scoping
Job Scoping
After taking a full and comprehensive brief we will provide you with drafted position description, showing competencies required for the role for approval prior to any advert being drafted.
4.Job Advertisement
Job Advertisement
We will write a draft advert for your position to ensure that we are attracting the right people to the role from the outset. We will provide you with a quote for your chosen advertising to ensure your vacancy is within your budgets and that advertising utilizes best communication channels.
Whilst the position is being advertised we will periodically advise you of the number of applicants and whether the caliber of the applications are meeting job requirements.
We will screen all applications and undertake either an initial Zoom, Skype or face to face prescreen (dependent on location) to gather further information on the applicant, before we make our determinations to advance candidates deemed suitable to a short-list and presented through to interview.
7.Managing Talent and Communications
Managing Talent and Communications
We will maintain hands-on management of the communication and interface between candidates.
8.Candidates Reports
Candidates Reports
We will provide you with a full candidate report, including key information and resume. We have a range of tests to assess competencies and cognitive abilities. Our team are DISC Accredited.
9.Panel, Interview Set up and Support
Panel, Interview Set up and Support
It is vital to have the correct panel to conduct interviews. We will also attend the final interviews to provide support if needed. We set up meeting venues and times with the panel and candidates.
We will recommend interview questions to ensure you gather the correct information to make an informed decision.
10.Reference Checks
Reference Checks
We will conduct reference checks, and police vets on the preferred candidate(s).
11.Inclusive and follow up tier interviews
Inclusive and follow up tier interviews
At times many parties can be main contributors to the success of the incumbent’s role. We can support additional interviews with key stakeholders to meet and greet with the preferred candidate(s), if needed. Our processes ensure all those concerned can contribute to the overall decision to appoint.
12.Completing the Process
Completing the Process
We will table an offer and negotiate conditions of employment (if required). Finally, we will advise all unsuccessful applicants regarding their application to close the process. We will follow up within the 90 day period to ensure that the placement is meeting your expectations.